Investigate why targets are stuck in waiting

Investigate why targets are stuck in waiting

Sometimes iQSonar may appear to leave certain targets stuck in the "waiting" stage, and as a result the scan ends up not ever reaching 100% completion. The following query will help determine why a target might end up in such a state.

Show all hosts in waiting
  SELECT Hostname,Target,[Phase],State,Description,DisabledUntil
  FROM [history].[v_ScanHistoryStatusForTarget]
  WHERE Phase = 'Waiting'

The most common reason a host might be stuck in a waiting stage is that it is in Account Lockout protection. Another reason might be that there are no scan-engines available (i.e. all the scan engines are set for other locations, or the scan engine service is not running.)

In order to list specifically the the targets which are in the "Account Lockout" state we can refine the query as follows:

Account Lockout Protection
SELECT Hostname,Target,[Phase],State,Description,DisabledUntil
FROM [history].[v_ScanHistoryStatusForTarget]
WHERE State= 'Account Lockout Protection'
  AND ProjectID=1

This second version of the query also demonstrates finding targets that are part of a specific project if you estate is configured with multiple projects.