Error when running LMS reports from the UI


Click on Reports in the V3 UI

Error message received

iQSonar 3.6r4, Datahub version 270
Windows 2008 server, with SQL 2012 Standard Edition SP3

Expected Behaviour:
For the reports to run with error
Actual Behaviour:
Error Server Error in '/iQSonar' Application.
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.


  1. To narrow down the issue you can run these LMS Scripts from the Database

    Exec OracleLMSDetail_re
    Exec OracleLMSOption_re
    Exec OracleLMSOverview_re
    Exec OracleLMSUser_re
    Exec OracleLMSv$license_re
    Exec OracleLMSv$session_re

  2. Once you establish which Stored Procedures is causing the issue.
  3. From SQL Server Management Studio
    Open the Database > Programmability > Stored Procedures
  4. Locate the Stored Procedure > Right Click > Modify

  5. In this example OracleLMSOption_re the SET DATEFORMAT is dmy.
  6. As a workaround you can comment out SET DATEFORMAT dmy
  7. Click Reports in the UI