Creating a new Location for a Scan Job Targets


I need to assign a location for a scan job to define the location for all targets within the scan job but the location value doesn’t yet exist


The ability to assign locations to a scan jobs allows the attaching of geographic information to targets identified by scan job. The location is not associated with the appliance but is associated with the scan job. This allows scan jobs executed by a single appliance to be associated with multiple locations. However, it may be necessary to add new locations that can be assigned to existing scan job

Creating New Scan Location Values

The location is an attribute of the scan job and is therefore specified within the Scan Details tab of the scan job configuration

  • Select the Scan job menu and click on the Ellipsis button besides the Configure and select the Configure Job (old ui) option

  • Click on the Create button to start the creation of a new location

  • Add a new value and description for the new Location

  • Click on Save button to save the location value

  • The new location will now exist. You can now leave the Old UI.

  • The new value is now available for use in the Scan Details tab for any scan job.