Manual Appliance Update Process for AWS - When Port 80 is not Open or any internet limitation


If anyone tries to upgrade an appliance in AWS and drydock fails to do the job because docker hits a timeout while trying to pull images from or strict internet limitations here's how you can perform the upgrade copying the docker image from another machine.


SOURCE-MACHINE = server which has access to and has enough privileges to pull images
TARGET-MACHINE = server where we intend to upgrade the appliance
Wanted-Version = the version of the docker image to which we intend to manually upgrade the appliance

  1. Connect through SSH to the SOURCE-MACHINE

  2. docker pull{Wanted-Version}

  3. docker save [docker-image-id] | gzip > image.tar.gz

  4. scp image.tar.gz iquate@TARGET-MACHINE:/home/iquate

  5. Connect through SSH to the TARGET-MACHINE 

  6. ssh iquate@TARGET-MACHINE

  7. gunzip image.tar.gz

  8. docker load -i image.tar

iquate@ip-of-the-target:~$ docker load -i image.tar 935c56d8b3f9: Loading layer [==================================================>] 135.8MB/135.8MB 697949baa658: Loading layer [==================================================>] 15.87kB/15.87kB e6feec0db89a: Loading layer [==================================================>] 11.78kB/11.78kB 5276d2b930fc: Loading layer [==================================================>] 3.072kB/3.072kB 95637adae617: Loading layer [==================================================>] 863.6MB/863.6MB ce6d03db7f88: Loading layer [==================================================>] 6.593MB/6.593MB 517419b249b3: Loading layer [==================================================>] 277.6MB/277.6MB Loaded image ID: sha256:917f575bfb10e402fac89b395e26c5fbd3bdcec0ce423aafd5e332cee584fef8

9. Check if the image was loaded 

docker images

iquate@ip-of-the-target:~$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE 917f575bfb10 20 hours ago 1.26GB .....................

10. So, the id of our docker image is 


Each build in the past and the future will have a different tag so before doing that you must be aware about available build and it’s respective tag. For more details about available versions and tag please refer -

Let's tag it 

docker tag 917f575bfb10{Wanted-Version}

11. Follow the rest of the steps for updating the YAML onwards from


NOTE: The CloudSphere appliance has right certificate. The firewall at customer’s end might try a cert rewrite. what happens is firewall looks at cert and tries to replace it.

To resolve any cert issue, the whitelisting of root level and at the firewall is needed and there should not be any change to certificate.