vCenter scanning status shows error
Scan Jobs > specific scan job > Scan Status Tab
Error: vCenter target IP identifies that:
No Credential is Available
Port scan was successful
Connection established
Connection Usable
This may not be an error (i.e. is expected behaviour) as vCenter scanning is composed of two components:
Scanning of the device hosting the vCenter application
Scanning of the vCenter application
Typically, credentials to access the device (O/S) are not provided by a customer. However, vCenter credentials are provided to enable access to the vCenter application. So the error ‘No Credential’ may apply to the failure to access the underlying device and not the vCenter application. This can be confirmed by examining the Scan Job Status and examining the Scan info for the particular target. Hovering over the Scan information, expands the additional information.
In the example show it can be sen that access to the target device failed due to the lack of O/S credential but a vCenter Application scanned successfully.
vmWare: vCenter device scanning will fail for the O/S typically; however, it will succeed for the vCenter application running on the box (port 443) if a vCenter credential is provided.