Unable to Start Scan job


  1. Discovery > Scan Jobs > Configure scan job > Click Start

  2. Error: Cannot start Scan Job on appliance “as the appliance doesn't seem to be connected”

  3. Note: from Settings > Appliances : The appliance appears to be online as normal


Discovery > Scan Jobs > Configure scan job > Configure > Scan Details

  1. Check Under Appliance if the Appliance is showing as active or offline (Red)


  2. There is an issue with the time configured on the appliance.

  3. To remedy the problem; use the appropriate date commands on the appliance to reset the time to the local time.

    // Disable NTP settings; NOte can fail if NTP is not enabled sudo timedatectl set-ntp 0 // Set the actual local time sudo date --set "22 SEPTEMBER 2021 12:40 PM"


vmWare: check if the appliance has time sync with the vCenter environment where it is running, otherwise the time will be reverted back to the previous time.