Unable to Start Scan job
Discovery > Scan Jobs > Configure scan job > Click Start
Error: Cannot start Scan Job on appliance “as the appliance doesn't seem to be connected”
Note: from Settings > Appliances : The appliance appears to be online as normal
Discovery > Scan Jobs > Configure scan job > Configure > Scan Details
Check Under Appliance if the Appliance is showing as active or offline (Red)
There is an issue with the time configured on the appliance.
To remedy the problem; use the appropriate date commands on the appliance to reset the time to the local time.
// Disable NTP settings; NOte can fail if NTP is not enabled sudo timedatectl set-ntp 0 // Set the actual local time sudo date --set "22 SEPTEMBER 2021 12:40 PM"
vmWare: check if the appliance has time sync with the vCenter environment where it is running, otherwise the time will be reverted back to the previous time.