Project Results - Scan Missing Data

Total Hardware Memory, Serial Number, Model, Manufacturer are not showing in the Project Results Page for a Linux / Unix device.

In some instances you will see an error message in the log file.

# dmidecode 2.12
/dev/mem: Permission denied [exit=]
/Scan-[00247][] <DeviceScanning> A(Unix Variant).S(Unix Variant ~ Linux - Physical Memory dmidecode (NIX)) - ERROR - STRATEGY-FAIL:Strategy failed (audit=UNIX@DS.20:LinuxPhysicalMemoryDmidecode)
iQuate.iQSonar.SDK.Connections.Failure: [IQ/X00000] Unknown Error Code: Response: exit status=[1]
# dmidecode 2.12


This issue arises when the scan engine doesn't have sufficient rights to run DMIdecode, while using sudo, so or  insufficient rights via ssh proxy.

  1. Test the command on the server without the scan engine. Example: Using putty ssh  -t -l nonadminuser -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 'sudo -i'
  2. If the issue is present.
  3. Contact local system admin.