Projects Status – Project Results
This is carried out using the Project Results Tab. This tab provides a breakdown of the scan results associated with each target device linked with the project. The difference between the Project Activity and Project Results screens are that Project Activity relates to all IP addresses identified within a target range; the Project Results only deals with items that have information associated with the IP address.
The results of the scan are broken down into four categories:
- Found Device: This is a device that was identified as a potential target for scanning.
- Device: This is a confirmed device and has been promoted to the status of a full device; this device exists and will be subject to examination looking for installed applications.
- Found Application: This was the application that was identified as a potential target for scanning.
- Application: This is a confirmed application and has been promoted to the status of a full application; this application exists and is subject to examination looking for installed applications.
Each area is available as a separate tab within the UI for further examination.
Each of the following tabs provides additional action buttons:
- Search - filter the results on a specific string value
- Refresh - refresh the results window to get a more up-to-date list
- Column Select - enable or disable specific columns within the results tables
- Download - save the results as a CSV file
Found Devices
This is a device that was identified as a potential target for scanning (i.e. this is more than just an IP address that forms a range of IP addresses). It is believed to exist as a real device but it is not confirmed that this device represents a device that is distinct from all other devices (uniqueness).
The basic information that has been identified for the device is displayed: The hostname/IP address, number of open ports on the device, suspected operating system, the amount of times the device has been scanned, last scan date, last outcome of a scan operation and finally if the device has been full scanned (i.e. is a full device), a link to the fully scanned information is provided. This identifies the case when a Found Device has been promoted to Device status.
This is a successfully scanned device. This device is known to exist and will be subject to examination looking for installed applications. This tab identifies the top-level hardware components of the device:
- Physical or Virtual flag
- Operating system
- CPU count
- CPU Speed
- Manufacturer
Found Applications
This is an application that was identified as a potential target for scanning. It is believed to exist as a real application but it is not confirmed that this application represents an application that is distinct from all other applications (uniqueness).
This is a successfully scanned application that represents an application that is distinct from all other applications (based on uniqueness).
Project Reports
This is a centralized location for downloading Network Reports and Computer Reports, such as Network Device Interface Report, Mac Address Report, VLAN report and Network to Network mapping report and many more in the future.
Users can click on the links below the column Report Name to download each individual report. Click on the panel bar can collapse in or out the entire panel.'