Discover Network Devices

Discover Network Devices

Create target sets to cover the network devices to be scanned.

Ensure the SNMP connection protocol is enabled.

Ensure the Network Device product adapter is enabled.

Add the credentials necessary to connect to the SNMP targets

For each SNMP target, the scan engine will query a series of pre-configured OIDs (Object Identifiers). Each OID returns a single piece of information which is stored as XML against the device. It is possible to extend the set of standard OID's queried to gather extra information, this is done by adding json files containing the additional OIDs to be queried into the %PROGRAMDATA%\iQuateiQSonar \Adapter\NetworkDevice folder on the scan engine server. iQSonar will identify these supplementary files at scan time and add them to the list of pre-configured OIDs. Because OID scan data is stored as XML there is no need to modify the structure of the underlying database.

The results will appear in the project results screens.

Project Scan Analysis

Basic Estate – Mark Scan as Complete

The decision to mark a project complete is one that is not taken by the scanning software. It is a decision that is taken by the administrator that needs to take into account the scan coverage of the identified estate (including the discovery of any unexpected devices/applications), any requirement to add additional scan targets, successful access to all target device (credential coverage) and the need for rescan operations. It is (typically) not the case that 100% coverage on the UI is the only criterion for marking a project complete.
Click on the Projects icon or Projects menu bar

  1. Select the Active Projects tab
  2. Identify the BasicEstate project
  3. Let the project run until it is 100% complete

  1. Use the Status button to identify that all elements have been sufficiently collected
  2. Select the Actions pull-down menu
  3. Select the Complete menu option
  4. Identify that the project is now in the Completed state and that the project colour has changed

Additional information about the status of the scanning process is available by clicking on the Status button.

Basic Estate – Mark Scan as Archived

Once the scan project is no longer required it can be archived.

  1. Select the Actions pull-down menu
  2. Select the Archive menu option
  3. Archive the project once the scan is no longer required.

Archive projects are available under the Projects > Archived Projects