OracleIAS, How does iQSonar find it


Capture the details of what iQSonar looks for to measure Oracle iAS



Here are the rules for Oracle iAS.


iQSonar looks for the iAS Home path by looking for the string "Doracle.home=\" in running processes.


Having found that, iQSonar will then look under iAS Home for the '' file (under $IASHOME/config) and also 'httpd.conf' (under $IASHOME/Apache/Apache/conf). These files will get the Port and Edition information (based on the entries found in iQSonar will also try to parse out $IASHOME/inventory/ContentsXML.comps.xml.


iQSonar also uses opmnctl ($IASHOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl) and the 'opatch lsinventory –detail' to fill out details on iAS components installed.


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