Diagnostic Scripts for use in Customer Environment

The scripts listed on this page are to be used in Customer environments to allow us to start collating output counts and begin mapping trends across various iQsonar set-ups.  Additional sections will be added to this page once results from customers are available.  The goal is to help with customer fine tuning and also will assist both Support and Development with designing best practice.  

Timings Test for Targets Serve:

  • Use to check how long the Targets Serve stored proc runs each step (in ms)



Sample Output:

Timings test for QueueStep2

  • Use to see how long each step of the Queue_Step2 Stored Proc takes to complete (in ms)



Sample Output:

Job Stats query:

  • Overview of jobs showing the counts for each stage (Awaiting Confirmation, Queued, Served, etc.)

Script: Job Stats.sql 

Sample Output:

Queued Jobs Analysis:

  • Tracks items which reach a queued state and gives some indication as to
    • how quickly jobs are served
    • if items are staying queued and blocking spots in the queue
    • the average time between being queued and served
    • the longest un-served item

Instructions:  Run the script for 5 minutes, then stop.  Scroll to the bottom of the script and execute the Trending Results section.  Execute the drop temp tables section after capturing the output.

Script: Queued Jobs Analysis.sql

Sample Output:

Jobs Per Server Per Hour

  • Script that will display a breakdown of jobs per her per scan engine.
  • The script as provided will work for customers with 6 scan engines in their database, there may need to be some interpretation of the results.
  • Null values may belong to servers that are not scanning or are used for ui purposes.

Script: JobsPerServerPerHour.sql

Below is what it looks like with 4 scan engines. If there are more scan engines you can add the numbers required to the script.

Jobs Per Server Per Hour (dynamic)

Picks up Scan Engine Server names automatically.

declare @projectID int = 1
exec History.ScanServerProgressHourly @projectId

Stored Procedure sql

-- Sample execution
    declare @projectID int = 1
    exec History.ScanServerProgressHourly @projectId

alter procedure History.ScanServerProgressHourly (@projectID int) 
as begin
         @sqlString1 nvarchar(max) = N'Select [Time], '
        ,@sqlString2 nvarchar(max) = '
          dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, StartDate), 0) as [Time]
        , Count(*) cnt
        , ServerID
    FROM jobs.t_job                             j   with(nolock)
    inner join jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange jlr with(nolock) on j.JobID = jlr.JobID
    where jlr.ProjectID = ' + cast (@ProjectID as nvarchar(5)) + 
    'GROUP BY dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, StartDate), 0), ServerID
    ) p
        for serverid in('

        ,@sqlString3 nvarchar(max) = ')
    Order by Time desc'

    ;with c_server as 
        select distinct
             '[' + cast (s.ServerID as nvarchar(5)) + '] ' [ServerID]
            ,'''' + s.Hostname + '''' [Hostname]
        from config.t_Server    s with(nolock)
        inner join jobs.t_job   j with(nolock) on s.ServerID = j.JobID
        select distinct
            @sqlString1 += 
         stuff((select ', ' + ServerID + 'AS ' +  Hostname 
        from c_server
        for xml path(''), type)
        .value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'') --as ServerNames
        + @sqlString2 +
        --+   char(13) + 
        stuff((select ', ' + ServerID 
        from c_server
        for xml path(''), type)
        .value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'') --as ServerID
        + @sqlString3
        from c_server s

    print @sqlString1
    exec (@sqlString1)

Job Progress per Scan Server:

declare @projectID int = 1
exec History.ScanServerProgress  @projectId 

Stored Procedure sql

create procedure History.ScanServerProgress (@ProjectID int) 
as begin
    set nocount on;
    declare @msg nvarchar(2000) = N'Procedure name : History.ScanServerProgress' + char(13)
    set @msg += N'    Returns scanning server overall progress. ' + char(13)
    set @msg += N'        1) Servable Targets. '      + char(13)
    set @msg += N'        2) Served targets'    + char(13) 
    set @msg += N'        3) Completed percentage'    + char(13) + CHAR(13)
    set @msg += N'    Sample execution:'        + char(13)
    set @msg += N'        declare @proejctId int = 1'   + char(13)
    set @msg += N'        exec History.ScanServerProgress  @projectId ' + char(13) + char(13)
    set @msg += N'    NOTE : Targets which can be served by multiple servers' + char(13)
    set @msg += N'           will simply be allocated evenly across the each' + char(13)
    set @msg += N'           server to give the servable_target figure. ' + char(13)
    set @msg += N'           This may not be how they get served in practice.' + char(13)
    raiserror (@msg, 0, 1) with nowait;
    with c_serv as
            ,sum(ips.Target_count)        [servable_targets]
            ,[served].cnt                 [complete_targets]
        from config.fn_IpRangeSummary(@ProjectID, default)   ips         -- ProjectID :-> 1
        inner join config.t__Location_Server        ls  with ( nolock ) on ips.LocationID = ls.LocationID
        inner join config.t_Server                  srv with ( nolock ) on ls.ServerID    = srv.ServerID
        left outer join 
                ,Count(j.JobID) cnt
            FROM jobs.t_job     j with(nolock)
            GROUP BY ServerID
            [served]                   on ls.ServerID = [served].ServerID
        group by 

        -- Locations with multiple Servers assigned
        -- Simply divide targets by Server count.
    ,   c_mult_server_per_loc as
            ,count(s.ServerID)  [servers_for_location]
        from c_serv     s
        group by s.LocationID
        having count(s.ServerID) > 1

    ,   c_res as
            ,sum(s.[servable_targets] / coalesce(sloc.servers_for_location, 1)) [servable_targets]
        from c_serv                             s
        left outer join c_mult_server_per_loc   sloc on s.LocationID = sloc.LocationID
        group by

                @ProjectID                      [ProjectID]
            ,rank() over (order by r.ServerID)  [ServerID]
            ,r.Hostname                         [server_name]
            ,cast(r.complete_targets * 100.00 / r.servable_targets as numeric ( 6, 2)) [complete_pct]
        from c_res      r

Server Throughput vs ActiveJobCount

declare @projectId int = 1
exec history.ServerThroughput @projectId

create procedure history.ServerThroughput
    @ProjectId int
with encryption
    set nocount on;
    declare @msg nvarchar(2000) = N'Procedure name : history.ServerThroughput' + char(13)
    set @msg += N'    Returns scanning server activity per 10 minute interval.' + char(13)
    set @msg += N'        1) Jobs Served.   (total over 10 mins)'      + char(13)
    set @msg += N'        2) ActiveJobCount (average over 10 mins)'    + char(13) + CHAR(13)
    set @msg += N'    Sample execution:'        + char(13)
    set @msg += N'        declare @proejctId int = 1'   + char(13)
    set @msg += N'        exec history.ServerThroughput @proejctId' + char(13)
    set @msg += N'    '
    raiserror (@msg, 0, 1) with nowait;

    ; with c_Jobs_Served as
              format(StartDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00')                  as [Time]
            , NTILE(6) over(order by datepart(minute, StartDate))  as [time_ntile]
            , j.JobID
            , ServerID
        FROM jobs.t_job                             j   with(nolock)
        inner join jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange jlr with(nolock) on j.JobID = jlr.JobID
        where jlr.ProjectID = @ProjectId

    , c_server_active_jobs as
            ,NTILE(6) over(order by datepart(minute, sm.[Timestamp])) [time_ntile]
            ,format(sm.[TimeStamp], 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00')            [Timestamp]
        from [config].[t_ServerMetric]  sm
    ,   c_server_active_jobs_summ as
            ,dateadd(minute, aj.time_ntile * 10, aj.[Timestamp])  [Timestamp]
            ,format(avg(aj.ActiveJobCount * 1.0), 'N2')       [ActiveJobCount]
        from c_server_active_jobs  aj
        group by
            ,dateadd(minute, aj.time_ntile * 10, aj.[Timestamp]) 

            ,dateadd(minute, js.[time_ntile] * 10,  js.[Time]) [Time]
            ,count(js.JobID) [jobs_served]
        from c_Jobs_Served                          js
        left outer join c_server_active_jobs_summ   aj on js.ServerID = aj.ServerID
                                                      and js.[Time]   = aj.[Timestamp]
        group by
            ,dateadd(minute, js.[time_ntile] * 10,  js.[Time])
        order by

Job Data Summary:

  • Displays server info,  current summary of the state of the jobs, and shows active jobs.

Script: Job Data Summary.sql

Sample Output:

Average Scan and Save times grouped per Month/Day/Hour

  • Displays the average scan, save and total number of targets per hour

Script: Average Scan Times.sql

Sample Output:

Job Execution Time Query:

  • Displays the elapsed Time in hours for In Progress Jobs

Script: Job_Execution_Time_Query.sql

Sample Output:

Job Serving Analysis:

  • Displays number of jobs queued, capacity, number of jobs waiting and average time.

Script: Job Serving Analysis.sql

Sample Output: