Queries to determine if two devices are duplicates
In certain circumstances, we can end up with a duplicate device entry in the database.
The following queries can be useful in determining if two apparently duplicated entries are indeed duplicates
Find hosts with matching hostname and identifier
You might want to uncomment theĀ where identifier=...and customize the identifier to narrow the search scope.
Find duplicate devices by Hostname
Select d.Hostname, ui.ProtocolID, ui.Identifier, COUNT(*) from model.t_Device d join model.t_ExtensibleObjectLink eol on eol.ExtensibleObjectID = d.DeviceID and eol.ExtensibleObjectType = N'model.t_Device' join model.t_UniqueIdentifier ui on ui.UniqueIdentifierID = eol.LinkObjectID and eol.LinkObjectType = N'model.t_UniqueIdentifier' -- WHERE Identifier = 'xWsi/vt1KuW6HsmRiZF5Dg==' Group by d.Hostname, ui.ProtocolID, ui.Identifier Having COUNT(*) > 1
Quick test for name uniqueness
Uniqueness tests
Select 'Unique DeviceID' Test, Count(Distinct DeviceID) devs from model.t_Device d UNION Select 'Unique UniversalID' Test, Count(Distinct UniversalID) devs from model.t_Device d UNION Select 'Unique Hostname' Test, Count(Distinct Hostname) devs from model.t_Device d UNION Select 'Unique Qualifier' Test, Count(Distinct d.DeviceID) devs from model.t_Device d -- join model.v_DeviceQualifiedName dq on dq.DeviceID = d.DeviceID UNION Select 'Unique UID' Test, Count(Distinct DeviceID) devs from model.t_Device d join model.t_ExtensibleObjectLink eol on eol.ExtensibleObjectID = d.DeviceID and eol.ExtensibleObjectType = N'model.t_Device' join model.t_UniqueIdentifier ui on ui.UniqueIdentifierID = eol.LinkObjectID and eol.LinkObjectType = N'model.t_UniqueIdentifier'
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