SQL Server with a shared memory setting only

SQL Server with a shared memory setting only


iQSonar 3.6r5
Windows 2008 server, with SQL 2008 Standard Edition SP3
Actual Behaviour:
The customer wanted to know if it is possible to scan a SQL Server that only has a shared memory setting in SQL Server Network Configuration
No usable issue stored in the context, unable to resolve.


Source, Instance Name, Database Edition and Database Version from the SQL Server is the information the customer will get with only shared memory protocol enabled.

This can be view in two ways from the UI and Database:


Analyze > Software > SQL Server Instances

From there they will see the Source, Instance Name, Database Edition and Database Version.


Once you setup the device to be scanned the customer can run the following SQL using the own IP address

Select * from FoundDevice
Where Hostname = ''

In this case we got a FoundDeviceID of 408

Once the customer has the FoundDeviceID , you can run the following
Select * from MSSQLReportOverview
Where FoundApplicationID = 386

The data the customer will get