AWS EKS Creation from HCP

  1. Create a new ROLEARN with default settings and attach following policy. This relearn will be provided as input for creating EKS Cluster from HCP


  1. Attach the following policies to IAM Users whose AccessID and AccessKey were used for creating CloudAccount in HCP -

a.  IAMFullAccess (AWS Managed Policy)
b.  AmazonEC2FullAccess (AWS Managed Policy)
c.  AmazonVPCFullAccess (AWS Managed Policy)
d.  AWSCloudFormationFullAccess (AWS Managed Policy)
e. A custom policy - EKSFullAccess as per details below

Custom Policy to be created per given JSON

EKSFullAccess (Managed Policy)

    "Version": "2012-10-17",

    "Statement": [


            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",

            "Effect": "Allow",

            "Action": "eks:*",

            "Resource": "*"


