CSP Discovery Failing for Azure CSP Account

CSP Discovery Failing for Azure CSP Account

If your CSP discovery is failing for Azure CSP Account with an error as per the screenshot -

  1. Please try the discovery after redoing the consent for the Azure CSP account.
    For doing the same please click on the account and click on - Login with Microsoft.
    We are asking this to you may have set up an MFA for partner account in the Azure portal.
    Once consent is completed, trigger discovery again.

  2. If step 1 does not resolve the CSP discovery issue, delete the consent associated with the app from your partner account Azure AD. One should find the same in Azure Portal after login with the partner account. > Active Directory > Enterprise Applications and search for the app holding the consent, go to properties to delete the consent

  3. Once consent is deleted, redo step 1 and trigger discovery