Using Jobs.t_JobStatus to Troubleshoot Job Serving Issues

Using Jobs.t_JobStatus to Troubleshoot Job Serving Issues

Once a project is started, the Jobs are added to the Job queue. Each Job has a JobStatusID. ALL jobs start in the status of -3.

Example below:

Step-by-step guide

SELECT * FROM jobs.t_JobStatus


Each Job starts with a JobStatusID of -3  -This target is not yet confirmed ready to be served

A jobs journey threw the Job Queue should have JobStatusIDs in this order -3, 0,1.

Each of the other JobstatusIDs are Errors -7, -6, -5, -4, -2, -1.

You can also get some more information from the TargetStatusID for some more information which correspond to JobstatusID.

Shown below.

Select * from Jobs.t_TargetStatus