LPAR Scanning


LPAR: what components are needed to be classed as a fully scan by iQSonar.


When it comes to LPARs the first question is has the HMC (Hardware Management Console) been scanned?

The versions of LPAR that are supported in iQSonar 3.6r3 are versions 5, 6 and 7. The information that is gathered are Partition ID , Memory, CPU pooling Config and Storage location (where the hardpools reside).

The following is required for the LPAR to be deemed as fully scanned are IP Address, CPU Sockets Count and the number of Cores. The other information that will be scanned are Disk, CPU Pools and CPU Speed.

For AIX to be required information are IP Address, CPU Sockets Count, Software, and the number of Cores to be fully scanned. The other information should be CPU Speed, CPU Core Virtual threads and Disk.

These can be found in the prerequisites guide 3.6r3 and for other versions of the iQSonar please refer to the relevant prerequisites guide.

Here is the list of accesses that the required for LPARs. The way to read this is that all the platforms require the all the commands in the highlights in green.For each of the other platforms are the highlighted command access plus the listed ones beside each of the platform names. As you can see HMCs require lshmc, lshmcfs, lshmcusr, lshwres, lspartition, lssyscfg command accesses.