iQSonar Device Diagnostic query
Should a sutuation exist where the device diagnostic screens don't load correctly.
Following SQL query has been provided to aid in target troubleshooting while the underlying issues can be addressed.Â
This query is intended to be run against an Elcano R2 database
Target Remediation SQL
SELECT fd.FoundDeviceID ,fd.DeviceID ,fd.SuspectedOS ,fd.Reason ,prd.Name [product_type] ,fdP.Port ,fdP.Banner ,fdP.IPAddress ,fdL.FoundHostnameOrIP ,fdL.DetectedPorts ,fdL.ScanCount ,fdL.LastScanDate ,fdL.LatestOutcome ,fdL.ScannedDeviceName ,ch.AttemptDate ,ch.Port ,ch.[Message] ,ch.[RawMessage] ,ch.Connection ,oc.Name [Outcome] ,pro.[Name] [Protocol] FROM model.t_FoundDevice fd INNER JOIN model.t_product prd ON fd.ProductId = prd.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN model.v_FoundDeviceTCPPort fdP ON fd.FoundDeviceID = fdP.FoundDeviceID LEFT OUTER JOIN model.v_ProjectFoundDeviceList fdL ON fd.foundDeviceID = fdL.foundDeviceID LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ah.ObjectId ,ah.JobID FROM history.t_ArtifactHistory ah WHERE ah.objectType = N'FoundDevice' ) [hst] ON fd.FoundDeviceID = [hst].ObjectID LEFT OUTER JOIN history.t_ConnectionHistory ch ON [hst].JobId = ch.JobId LEFT OUTER JOIN config.t_Outcome oc ON ch.OutcomeID = oc.OutcomeID LEFT OUTER JOIN config.t_Protocol pro ON ch.ProtocolId = pro.protocolId ORDER BY fd.FoundDeviceID ,ch.AttemptDate