Migrate or change iQSonar database connection
Migrate or change iQSonar database connection
The following guide lays out a step-by-step procedure to migrate the scan-engine to use a different back-end database connection, either because the DB is being migrated to a new host or because the connection credentials are being changed..
Please note that it is not recommended to migrate the database to a new server and upgrade between versions of iQSonar in one step. If you need to upgrade the ScanEngine version, please do that as a different procedure.
Migrate a single-scan-engine installation
To migrate a single-scan-engine configuration to use a database on a new server, or when you are changing the credentials used to by the scan engine to access the DB:
- Pause all active projects, and wait until the server is idle
- stop the iQSonar ScanEngine service
- Back up the iQSonarSE database from the old server/location
- Restore the iQSonarSE database to the new server if this is different from the old location.
- Make a backup of your iqsonar.key file, and your iQuate.iQSonar.ScanEngine.exe.config files. These are found in the folder "C:\Program Files\iQuate\iQSonar ScanEngine 4.0\bin" in a default installation.
- Uninstall iQSonar, and then delete the folder “C:\Program Files\iQuate\iQSonar ScanEngine 4.0\”
- Install the new version of iQSonar using a “custom” install, but make sure you do not allow it to start the service. When prompted for the iqsonar.key, point to the location of the key you backed up in step 5
- Restore the copy of iQuate.iQSonar.ScanEngine.exe.config to the C:\Program Files\iQuate\iQSonar ScanEngine 4.0\bin folder.
- ONLY NOW can you start the service.
- Once the service has started, you can log in to the UI and unpause the project.
Migrate a multiple-scan-engine installation
- Pause all active projects, and wait until the server is idle
- Stop the iQSonar ScanEngine service on all servers
- Back up the iQSonarSE database from the old server
- Restore the iQSonarSE database to the new server if you are migrating the DB to a new location.
- We will upgrade the scan engine server which hosts the User Interface first.
- Make a backup of your iqsonar.key file, and your iQuate.iQSonar.ScanEngine.exe.config files. These are found in the folder "C:\Program Files\iQuate\iQSonar ScanEngine 4.0\bin" in a default installation.
- Uninstall iQSonar, and then delete the folder “C:\Program Files\iQuate\iQSonar ScanEngine 4.0\”
- Install the new version of iQSonar using a “custom” install, but make sure you do not allow it to start the service. When prompted for the iqsonar.key, point to the location of the key you backed up in step 5. Ensure you have the correct database settings for the new database location/credentials.
- Restore the copy of iQuate.iQSonar.ScanEngine.exe.config to the C:\Program Files\iQuate\iQSonar ScanEngine 4.0\bin folder.
- Restart the service on the UI server. This should upgrade the DB.
- Wait until the DB has finished upgrading and the version-number shown for the scan-engine in the UI is correct.
- Repeat step 5 a – d for all other scan engines, without starting the service on the servers.
- Once all the scan-engines have been migrated, THEN you can restart the service on all the servers.
- Now you can unpause any projects which were paused in step one.
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