Onboarding an Azure Account (Non-CSP) in Cloudsphere
Create a new Azure App
Login to Azure Portal and create a new Azure app
Go to App Registrations > New Registrations
Create a new App with the default option – “Accounts in this organizational directory only (Single-tenant)
Select the new app created
Go to the Overview section and copy the following information in a notepad
Application (Client) ID (1)
Directory (Tenant) ID (2)
Go to Certificates & Secrets to create a New Client secret and Copy the Value (3) field to the notepad
Go to API permissions > Add Permissions > Microsoft Graphs > Delegated Permissions
Select DeviceManagementRBAC permissions
Go to Home > Subscription
Select the subscription
Go to the Overview page and copy the subscription ID (4) in a notepad
Go to Access Control (IAM) and add role assignments using the Add option
Add permission for the following Role to Azure App using Add role assignment option
o Contributor
o Reader
o Billing Reader
For Adding permission
Select Role in Role Dropdown
Search Azure App by name in Select Option