Device Deletion.

Deleting Devices

Warning: Scanning should not be in progress when devices are being deleted. This can lead to unintended consequences, leaving the database in an inconsistent state.
In Project Status, Project Results screen, one or multiple devices can be checked to submit for deletion.

On submission to delete, a confirmation alert will be displayed.

Once submitted for deletion, these devices will be highlighted on the Project Results as follows

Device deletion status can be tracked in System Activity, Deleted Devices.

Key Terms, Emails and Links




Comma-separated values


Internet Information Services

iQuate Support

Microsoft Support for KB932370



A command on the command prompt to access ports

Oracle Licensing Management Services (LMS)

Oracle LMS is an organization that promotes the management, governance and awareness of the proper use and distribution for Oracle systems through expert services.
*as defined by Oracle

Oracle Rac

Real Application Cluster

Partitioning (Hard)

Hard partitioning physically segments a server and separates it into distinct smaller systems, typically with its own CPUs, operating system, separate boot area, memory, input/output subsystem and network resources
*as defined by Oracle

Partitioning (Soft)

Soft partitioning segments the operating system using OS resource managers. The operating system limits the number of CPUs where an Oracle database is running by creating areas where CPU resources are allocated to applications within the same operating system
*as defined by Oracle

PS Command

A command on UNIX boxes to display active processes

Remote Registry

Allows Windows authenticated users to remotely modify registry settings on a device


Security identifier


Windows Management Instrumentation

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