Scanning Servers

Multiple servers can be supported from a single dashboard. In order to access the scanning server details, a specific server should be identified. A list of available servers is provided on the pull-down list.
Once selected, the configuration elements for the server are identified. These items are configurable and intended to provide a form of system "throttling" to ensure that system resources are not overloaded on the scan engine machine.

  • Max Disk IO Usage Percent: Identifies the percentage of the available disk I/O to be used by the scan engine before throttling is applied
  • Max Memory Usage Percent: Establishes the percentage of the available memory to be used by the scan engine before throttling is applied
  • Max CPU Usage Percent: Establishes the percentage of the available CPU to be used by the scan engine before throttling is applied
  • Max Network IO Usage Percent: Establishes the percentage of the available Network I/O to be used by the scan engine before throttling is applied
  • Max Active Jobs: The maximum number of scanning jobs will be held as active within the scan engine. If the current number of jobs is higher than this value then no additional jobs will be requested
  • Job Polling Count: The number of jobs the scan engine will start at any one time. The scan engine will continue polling this amount of jobs until it has reached the Max Active Jobs value
  • Queue Processing Enabled: If this option is disabled, the scan engine will not request any jobs i.e. scanning operations will be suspended

The Disk IO, Memory, CPU and Network I/O usage of the scanning server is constantly monitored. If, at any point, the average value over 5 minutes for one or more of these metrics exceeds the configured limit, the scanning server will stop serving additional jobs. Job serving will resume when average values (over 5 minutes) for all metrics fall below the configured levels. Although serving of new jobs will be paused, existing jobs will run to completion and will continue to consume resources. In some cases, depending on the complexity and breadth of the jobs in progress, the level of resource usage may be sustained and in some cases may increase.