System Settings

System settings cover all aspects of the scanning process. All scan engines associated with this dashboard are governed by these settings i.e. the settings have global implications.

System Settings – Product Adapter Manager

This tab provides the ability to enable and disable product adapters across an entire scan estate. This global setting will affect all locations and projects that attempt to use a specific product adapter.
A product adapter can be disabled for a number of reasons. The primary reason would be that a specific product is not present in an estate; attempting to locate the product wastes scanning resources.

System Settings – Activation

Accessing the scanning service requires an Activation licence. This licence can be provided by iQuate support or through an online activation web site. Please contact Support who are available at

Provide the licence e-mail and licence key values and click the Activate All Servers button. Projects will now be allowed to execute.

System Settings – CyberArk

The Scan Engine can be configured to retrieve credential passwords and (optionally) usernames from CyberArk. This screen allows the registration of one or more CyberArk vaults.

The display name is a label which is used in the Credentials screen to distinguish between multiple vault setups.
The endpoint is the URL of the Cyberark Application Identity Manager Central Credential Manager Web Service. This is typically [http://<Address>/AIMWebService/V1.1/AIM.asmx
The App ID is the name of the Application Account set up for Scan Engine to use. See the Prerequisite Guide for CyberArk prerequisite details.