Security & Compliance Policies

Security & Compliance Policies


The HyperCloud™ Platform (HCP) lets your Tenant Administrators to define your Security and Compliance Policies.

Create a Security Policy

To create a policy:

  1. Login to your HCP account.


  2. Navigate to Governance & Security > Security Policies > Click on New Policy to launch the Create Policy Wizard.


  3. Select your Account from the drop-down.

  4. Choose the Region for enforcing your policies.

  5. Enter your Policy Name and Description.

    • The policy Description field is Optional.

  6. Click on Next.

  7. From the Rules tab, select the Rules you want to evaluate. To filter rules, click the funnel icon next to the Rule or Category headers. [1]


  8. Click on Next.

  9. In the Rule Settings tab, enter the Instance Threshold and Time Interval.


  10. Click on Next.

  11. From the Alert Settings tab, select the Policy Period. The policy period determines the validity of your policy period.


  12. Enter a Start Date for the policy period.

  13. Select the Frequency for receiving alerts from the drop-down. You can choose between these alert frequencies:

    • One Hour

    • Three Hours

    • Six Hours

    • Twelve Hours

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

  14. Enter an Email address for receiving alerts.

  15. Set the value for Risk Threshold For Alerts by moving the threshold slider. [2]

  16. Incident Ticket Settings: to log incident tickets automatically turn on the Auto Create tickets for non complaint rules toggle.  

  17. Continuous Monitoring Settings: to monitor your resources continuously, turn on the Enable Continuous Monitoring toggle.

  18. Click on Next.

  19. From your Remediation Setting tab, turn on the Auto remediate rules toggle. This will automatically run remediation rules.


  20. Set the value for Risk Threshold For Remediation by moving the threshold slider. This value is dependent on the value for Risk Threshold that you’ve defined in your rules.

  21. Click on Submit.


  • [1] You’ll only be able to view rules for the Regions you select in Step 4.

  • [2] You can set region-wise threshold for rules.

    • To set region-wise threshold for rules, navigate to  Governance & Security > Security Policies > Rules.

Edit a Security Policy

To View, Edit, Delete or Rerun a Policy:

  1. Login to your HCP account.

  2. Navigate to Governance & Security > Security Policies > Click the ellipses menu from Actions.

  3. You can choose from the following actions:

    • Edit

    • Delete

    • Rerun Policy


HCP lets you set remediation threshold for rules for a specific cloud provider or a region. Changing the remediation threshold alters the frequency of alerts that trigger due to anomalies.

To update the remediation threshold:  

  1. Login to your HCP account.

  2. Navigate to Governance & Security > Security Policies > Rules > Choose the Account and the Region for your rule.


  3. All the rules for an Account and the Region are listed under the Rules tab.

  4. Move the slider under a rule, up or down to increase or decrease the threshold level for a rule.

  5. Click on Update.

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