Manage Resource Pools, Policies & Triggers
Once a resource pool is created, your administrator can customize it by:
Configuring Virtual Machine (VM) name patterns and lease settings.
Adding Rate cards.
Specifying usage triggers and per-user usage limit policy.
This document guides you through the following features:
Edit Resource Pool
This section guides you through all the features available to edit and configure a desired resource pool.
Rename your resource pool
To rename your resource pool:
Click on the resource pool you want to rename and navigate to Name.
Enter the new name in the text input field.
Click on Save.
Specify the VM Name Pattern
Your HyperCloudTM Platform (HCP) administrator can enforce the naming convention for a resource pool. You can use VM Name Pattern place holders to auto-populate your Virtual Machine (VM) names.
Change resource pool capacity
Your HCP administrator can change the resource pool capacity on the fly. To change the resource pool capacity:
Select the on resource pool you want to edit and navigate to Capacity.
Enter the values for Spend Limit, vCPU, Memory, and Disk capacity in the input text field.
Click on Save.
Set VM Lease for a resource pool
Your HCP administrator can control your VM usage by specifying the VM Lease per resource pool. If you are an entitled user, you will receive a system-generated notification and an email stating that your virtual machine lease is going to be terminated. Setting the VM Lease for a resource pool allows you to budget the availability of your cloud resources.
To set the VM Lease for a resource pool:
Select the resource pool you want to edit and navigate to Governance Policies.
Select the Lease Type and the Duration.
Click on Save.
Change resource pool entitlements
Your HCP Administrator can add or remove resource pool entitlements for tenants, users, and groups.
To change the entitlements in a resource pool:
Select the resource pool you want to edit and navigate to the Assigned To section.
You can add or remove tenants, users, and groups.
Click on Save.
Resource Triggers & Policies
The HCP portal lets your Cloud and Tenant Administrators define cloud resource usage triggers. These triggers notify your administrators in the event of a threshold breach.
To define resource usage triggers for a resource pool:
Select the resource pool you want to edit.
Navigate to Service Orchestration > Quota Management > Resource Pools > Trigger.
Click on Save.
Note: You can create as many triggers as required.
Monitor Resources
The HCP portal allows you to monitor the following resources:
Spend limit
To monitor a resource :
Select the resource pool you want to monitor.
Navigate to Service Orchestration > Quota Management > Resource Pools > Select the Resource Pool > Trigger.
Select the resource you want to monitor from the Resource dropdown.
Select the usage percentage from the Usage dropdown.
From the Action dropdown, select the event action that is performed in the event of a threshold breach.
You can choose the alert or action that is triggered in the event of a threshold breach:Email Admin & send Alert
Only Email Admin
Only Send Alert
Click + next to trigger criteria, to add a new action.
Click - next to trigger criteria, to remove an action.
Usage Policies
Your HCP Administrator can set the per-user usage limits. They can limit your:
Storage usage
Whenever these limits are breached, additional provisioning will be allocated through the approval process. After a breach, HCP sends out an approval request to the Cloud or Tenant Administrator. Your Cloud or Tenant Administrator can approve or reject your request for additional provisioning.
To specify the usage policies:
Select the resource pool you want to monitor.
Navigate to Service Orchestration > Quota Management > Resource Pools > Select the Resource Pool > Policies.
Enter the value for Per User Usage Limit, CPU, Memory, and Disk.
Click Save.
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