iQSonar uses multiple protocols to connect to targets running various versions of Windows. The different connection types can give different information about the target.
The connection types are as follows:
- 3: WMI
- 4: Remote Registry
- 13: NetBIOS
- 15: SMB (file sharing)
- 16: WinRM
- 17: Remote Process
Windows connection failure (Per Project)
Find windows connection failures
--Windows Login Failures SELECT jobProj.ProjectID , p.Name AS Protocol , o.Name AS Outcome , ch.AttemptDate , ch.IPAddress , ch.Port , c.label as Credential , ch.Message FROM history.t_connectionhistory ch INNER JOIN jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange AS jobProj ON jobProj.JobID = ch.JobID INNER JOIN config.t_Protocol p ON ch.ProtocolID = p.ProtocolID INNER JOIN config.t_Outcome o ON o.OutcomeID = ch.OutcomeID INNER JOIN config.t_Credential c ON c.CredentialID = CH.CredentialID WHERE ch.ProtocolID IN (3,4,13,15,16,17) AND ch.OutcomeID = 3 -- === Change this line ==== -- AND jobProj.ProjectID = 1 -- ========================= -- ORDER BY AttemptDate DESC