A "Found Device" is a device which the scan engine has been unable to fully scan. This can be due to credential problems or network problems.
This query will list all the devices which have been detected but not fully scanned, and provide additional information about them for troubleshooting.
List devices and summary info
List the devices we cannot scan
SELECT [ProjectID] ,[TargetName] ,[HostnameOrIP] ,[SuspectedOrScannedOS] ,[Status] ,[Reason] ,[FoundDevices] ,[Devices] ,[FoundApplications] ,[Applications] ,[FoundDeviceID] ,[DeviceID] ,[Scancount] ,[TargetSet] FROM [history].[v_DiagnosticsDeviceList] WHERE Status = 'Unscanned' -- == Change or comment out the ProjectID as required == -- AND ProjectID = 1 -- ===================================================== --
List all connection attempts
It lists multiple entries for each device (one for each attempted connection to the target), showing which connections succeeded and which failed.
List Found Devices (full details)
SELECT fd.FoundDeviceID ,fd.DeviceID ,fd.SuspectedOS ,fd.Reason ,prd.Name [product_type] ,fdP.Port ,fdP.Banner ,fdP.IPAddress ,fdL.FoundHostnameOrIP ,fdL.DetectedPorts ,fdL.ScanCount ,fdL.LastScanDate ,fdL.LatestOutcome ,fdL.ScannedDeviceName ,ch.AttemptDate ,ch.Port ,ch.[Message] ,ch.[RawMessage] ,ch.Connection ,oc.Name [Outcome] ,pro.[Name] [Protocol] FROM model.t_FoundDevice fd INNER JOIN model.t_product prd ON fd.ProductId = prd.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN model.v_FoundDeviceTCPPort fdP ON fd.FoundDeviceID = fdP.FoundDeviceID LEFT OUTER JOIN model.v_ProjectFoundDeviceList fdL ON fd.foundDeviceID = fdL.foundDeviceID LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ah.ObjectId ,ah.JobID FROM history.t_ArtifactHistory ah WHERE ah.objectType = N'FoundDevice' ) [hst] ON fd.FoundDeviceID = [hst].ObjectID LEFT OUTER JOIN history.t_ConnectionHistory ch ON [hst].JobId = ch.JobId LEFT OUTER JOIN config.t_Outcome oc ON ch.OutcomeID = oc.OutcomeID LEFT OUTER JOIN config.t_Protocol pro ON ch.ProtocolId = pro.protocolId -- ---- If required, put a ProjectID selection HERE ---- -- WHERE fdL.ProjectID = N -- ----------------------------------------------- ---- ORDER BY fd.FoundDeviceID ,ch.AttemptDate
List hosts where we could not log in
This omits any credential failure where a subsequent attempt on the same host succeeded.
List of devices we could not scan with reason
WITH unscanned AS ( SELECT DISTINCT [HostnameOrIP] FROM [history].[v_DiagnosticsDeviceList] WHERE Status = 'Unscanned' AND ProjectID = 1 ) SELECT jobProj.ProjectID , p.Name AS Protocol , o.Name AS Outcome , ch.AttemptDate , ch.IPAddress , ch.Port , c.label as Credential FROM history.t_connectionhistory ch INNER JOIN jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange AS jobProj ON jobProj.JobID = ch.JobID INNER JOIN config.t_Protocol p ON ch.ProtocolID = p.ProtocolID INNER JOIN config.t_Outcome o ON o.OutcomeID = ch.OutcomeID INNER JOIN config.t_Credential c ON c.CredentialID = CH.CredentialID WHERE ch.OutcomeID = 3 AND ch.IPAddress IN (SELECT HostnameOrIP FROM unscanned) -- === Change this line ==== -- AND jobProj.ProjectID = 1 -- ========================= -- ORDER BY AttemptDate DESC