The catalog is a data set of system and tenant specific Identification Rules, Products, Manufacturers and Scan Extensions.
A default catalog file is embedded in the Appliance.
A more current (depending on the time since Appliance creation) version of the catalog resides cloud side.
Upon first initialization of the Appliance Scan Engine the embedded catalog is loaded into a local database.
This is visible in the logs:
Once this has occurred the Appliance is capable of discovering a the default set of Products.
The Appliance catalog status can now be examined in the UI.
The Support User can left click on the "Catalog Definition Status" to view a more detailed set of differences.
Appliances that are not synchronized can be updated by selecting the desired appliance with left click and pressing the "Catalog update" button.
This synchronization is not instantaneous and may take a number of minutes.
Additionally once it has finished the response message is queued and may take a number of minutes before the UIĀ "Catalog Definition Status" is updated.