HyperCloud™ Blueprints
HyperCloud™ Blueprints allow you to create predefined templates for provisioning your resources with a single click. You can publish blueprints as Service Catalog items on the HyperCloud App Store. You can share blueprints with your HyperCloud Platform (HCP) users using entitlements. Blueprints let entitled users provision resources on an ongoing basis and comply with IT policies.
If you are an HCP user, you must be entitled to a resource pool to provision resources.
Before you create or provision a VM you’ll need to follow these steps:
Add your Cloud Provider account to the HCP portal.
Create a Cloud Provider, Quota, and Resource Pool on the HCP portal.
While creating a VM, you’ll only be able to view resource pools that are entitled to you.
You’ll need to add a Subnet and VPC to your Cloud account.
You’ll only be able to entitle the VM to resources from your Resource Pool.
You can create blueprints to provision these resources:
Virtual Machines (VMs) or Instances
You can provision a VM using MACHINE_COMPOSE or the Free-form wizard.
Simple or Kubernetes Apps
You can create a Kubernetes App using K8S_COMPOSE or a standard Kubernetes YAML and Namespace.
You can access a namespace only when you provision your Kubernetes Cluster using the HCP portal.
Kubernetes Helm Charts or Complex Apps
Kubernetes blueprints are uploaded as Helm Charts. A Helm Chart consists of multiple YAML files that are archived and uploaded to the HCP portal via the HyperCloud App Store. You can deploy complex Kubernetes applications using Helm Charts.Terraform templates for cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure
You can deploy Terraform templates for cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. A terraform template is comprised of two files:main.tf: These files contain cloud-specific attributes. When you provision resources, Terraform uses the information on main.tf files to provision resources.
variables.tf: The variables.tf allow customizing the terraform template. The HCP portal uses the variables.tf to let users enter custom values for variables during runtime.
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