V4 installation error message: missing table - t_Artifact missing error


Installing on targets without SQL Server using Windows Authentication you will receive an error the happens when the application opens in the browser


Missing table - t_Artifact.

for more information, please check C:\ProgramData\iQuate\iQSonar4.0


When I check the Database server the iQSonarSE Database is in created but there is not Tables created. See attached


Installing on targets without SQL Server using Windows Authentication 

A standard SQL Server install includes various libraries that are necessary for the installer to run SQL scripts. If a SQL Server client is not available on the installation target, it may be necessary to install additional clients.

These are available from:

Install the following packages:

  • ENU\x86\SharedManagementObjects.msi
  • ENU\x86\SQLSysClrTypes.msi

(Note these are the 32-bit versions)


This are files are attached this KB.

  1. SQLSysClrTypes(86).msi
  2. SharedManagementObjects(86).msi



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