To manage the customer accounts,
- Login to the portal as an admin.
- Navigate to ADMINISTRATION > ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT. The list of accounts are displayed.
- In the left navigation panel, expand AWS . Two options, MSP and Non-MSP are displayed.
- Select MSP. The list of MSP accounts are displayed in a tabular format.
- Navigate to the row that consists of the account that you want to delete, and click icon. A list is displayed.
- Select Manage Customer Accounts, and click. A page consisting of all the onboarded MSP accounts are displayed. From this page, you can perform the following:
- Associate Account to Customer
- Remove Account from Customer
To associate an account with a customer,
- Select the relevant account by using the checkbox, and click Associate Account to customer. The Link to Customer window is displayed.
- Select an option from the Select a customer to associate with the accounts dropdown list. You can create a new customer that gets populated in the dropdown list by following the below mentioned procedure.
- Click CREATE CUSTOMER. The Create Customer window is displayed.
- Enter relevant information in the following text boxes.
- Company Name
- First Name
- Last Name
- Click CREATE CUSTOMER. The customer is created successfully.
- Enter relevant information in the following text boxes.
- Click FINISH. The account is successfully linked with the customer.
To remove an account from a customer,
- Select the relevant account by using the checkbox, and click Remove account from customer. A confirmation window appears.
- Click REMOVE. The account gets disassociated from the customer.
To onboard an account,
- Login to the portal as an admin.
- Navigate to ADMINISTRATION > ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT. The list of accounts are displayed.
- In the left navigation panel, expand AWS . Two options, MSP and Non-MSP are displayed.
- Select MSP. The list of MSP accounts are displayed in a tabular format.
- Navigate to the row that consists of the account that you want to delete, and click icon. A list is displayed.
- Select Manage Customer Accounts, and click. A page consisting of all the added MSP accounts are displayed.
- Select an account using the checkbox, and click icon in the last column. The Onboard Account tab is displayed.
- Click Onboard Account. The Onboard Member Account window is displayed.
- Enter appropriate information in the relevant fields.
- Click ADD. The account is onboarded successfully. The Role ARN Creation is done.
To remove the Role ARN (unlinking account),
- Login to the portal as an admin.
- Navigate to ADMINISTRATION > ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT. The list of accounts are displayed.
- In the left navigation panel, expand AWS . Two options, MSP and Non-MSP are displayed.
- Select MSP. The list of MSP accounts are displayed in a tabular format.
- Navigate to the row that consists of the account that you want to delete, and click icon. A list is displayed.
- Select Manage Customer Accounts, and click. A page consisting of all the added MSP accounts are displayed.
- Select an onboarded account using the checkbox, and click icon in the last column. A menu with two tabs is displayed.
- Select Remove Role ARN, and click. The Remove Role ARN confirmation window appears.
- Click Ok. The account gets delinked.