The ScanEngine typically logs into Unix/Linux hosts using the SSH protocol (which is usually on port 22).
Login failures using the SSH protocol are indicative of credential problems (wrong login id, wrong password, account without permission to login from given IP Address, and so forth)
SSH Connection Failure (Per Project)
Protocol 2 is SSH
--SSH Login Failure SELECT jobProj.ProjectID , p.Name AS Protocol , o.Name AS Outcome , ch.AttemptDate , ch.Port , c.label as Credential , ch.Message FROM history.t_connectionhistory ch INNER JOIN jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange AS jobProj ON jobProj.JobID = ch.JobID INNER JOIN config.t_Protocol p ON ch.ProtocolID = p.ProtocolID INNER JOIN config.t_Outcome o ON o.OutcomeID = ch.OutcomeID INNER JOIN config.t_Credential c ON c.CredentialID = CH.CredentialID WHERE ch.ProtocolID=2 AND ch.OutcomeID = 3 -- === Change this line ==== -- AND jobProj.ProjectID = 4 -- ========================= -- ORDER BY AttemptDate DESC