Warning |
These queries work with iQSonar releases up to and including Fu R3. Changes were made to some underlying tables in Gwynn R1 and Gwynn R2 to reduce the amount of history saved as the diagnostic information can grow. In the Gwynn R3 release the option to preserve or delete this diagnostic can be selected in the user interface. Instructions on how to keep the history data can be found on this page. |
When iQSonar is inventorying a database application (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, Informix, and so on) it not only looks for files on the server's file systems, it needs to log in to the database and execute certain commands. If it fails to log in to the database it cannot fully report all the required information for licencing reports.
The following queries will enable you to investigate database connection issues:
Warning |
These queries work with iQSonar releases up to and including Fu R3. Changes were made to some underlying tables in Gwynn R1 and Gwynn R2 to reduce the amount of history saved as the diagnostic information can grow. In the Gwynn R3 release the option to preserve or delete this diagnostic can be selected in the user interface. Instructions on how to keep the history data can be found on this page. |
Note that the "Type" column is the Application Type, which is not the same as the Connection type in most of the other queries on this page. You can get a list of valid types in your environment with the following query:
In a large estate, we might need to know which database credentials are valid on which hosts, in order to contact the DB Owners and request new credentials. As with previous queries, the user does need to know the Project ID. The user also needs to know that Oracle Databases and clusters use the Connection type Connection type Connection = 'Oracle Database' and Microsoft SQL Servers/Clusters have the connection type Connection = 'MS SQL server'.
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SELECT c.Label , c.Username , o.Name as Outcome , cch.Instance -- Instance for MS SQL is less useful than for Oracle, but still interesting , ch.[IPAddress] , p.Name as [Project Name] FROM [history].[t_ConnectionHistory] ch INNER JOIN config.t_Credential c ON ch.CredentialID = c.CredentialID INNER JOIN config.t_Outcome o ON ch.OutcomeID = o.OutcomeID INNER JOIN jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange AS jobProj ON jobProj.JobID = ch.JobID join config.t_Project p on jobProj.ProjectID =p.ProjectID WHERE Connection = 'Oracle Database' AND p.ProjectID = '1' |
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SELECT c.Label , c.Username , o.Name as Outcome , ch.[IPAddress] , ch.Instance -- Instance for MS SQL is less useful than for Oracle, but still interesting , p.Name as [Project Name] , ch.AttemptDate FROM [history].[t_ConnectionHistory] ch INNER JOIN config.t_Credential c ON ch.CredentialID = c.CredentialID INNER JOIN config.t_Outcome o ON ch.OutcomeID = o.OutcomeID INNER JOIN jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange AS jobProj ON jobProj.JobID = ch.JobID join config.t_Project p on jobProj.ProjectID =p.ProjectID WHERE ( (Connection = 'Oracle Database' ) OR (Connection = 'MS SQL server') ) AND p.ProjectID = '1' AND convert(DATE,AttemptDate) = '2018-05-01' |
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(CONVERT(DATE,AttemptDate) >= '2018-04-18' AND CONVERT(DATE,AttemptDate) <= '2018-04-20')) |
Display credential failures/credential success as a pivot table.
We will need to use the combination of IP Address and Instance name as the left hand column, and the credentials attempted as the other columns,
we want to display success/fail as the data points in the matrix.
For this query, we use a number of CTEs to help with readability.
This example is for Oracle Database Instance connection/login failures, and assumes there are three database credentials defined, with labels Credential1, Credential2 and Credential3. (Don't forget that the Label is what is displayed in the iQSonar UI as opposed to the login name, to allow for multiple passwords for the same user (e.g. the user SYS may have different passwords on different machines)
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with ScanAttempts AS (
-- Find the success/failures
SELECT CONCAT( ch.Instance, ' on ', ch.[IPAddress] ) as DBInstance
, p.Name as [Project Name]
, c.Label as CredentialName
, c.Username
, o.Name as Outcome
, convert(DATE,AttemptDate) as DateAttempted
, AttemptDate as RawDate
FROM [history].[t_ConnectionHistory] ch
INNER JOIN config.t_Credential c ON ch.CredentialID = c.CredentialID
INNER JOIN config.t_Outcome o ON ch.OutcomeID = o.OutcomeID
INNER JOIN jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange AS jobProj ON jobProj.JobID = ch.JobID
join config.t_Project p on jobProj.ProjectID =p.ProjectID
WHERE Connection = 'Oracle Database'
NewestScanAttempts as (
SELECT DISTINCT DBInstance, max(DateAttempted) as RecentAttempt
FROM ScanAttempts
PivotThis as
SELECT sa.DBInstance, sa.CredentialName, sa.Outcome
FROM ScanAttempts sa INNER JOIN NewestScanAttempts nsa ON (sa.DBInstance = nsa.DBInstance and sa.DateAttempted = nsa.RecentAttempt)
select * From PivotThis
MAX(Outcome) FOR CredentialName IN (
[Credential1], [Credential2], [Credential3]
) ) AS MyTable |