Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This functionality was first introduced in the Hillary release series. The specific methods described on this page work with Hillary R2 and later releases.


The file is uploaded to the server using the HTTP POSTmethod POST method (not a GET method) http://<youriqsonarinstance>/api/v1/targets where the body of the request contains the JSON data.


A tutorial on how to create JSON data files is beyond the scope of this article. For a full description of the JSON data format see the wikipedia page or the website. Users are expected to be familiar with this format before using the RestAPI to configure iQSonar. In many cases it may be easier to configure the Locations using a CSV import or the manual method if the JSON data is not being generated programatically.

The JSON data file should contain the fields "Name" (the value MUST be "LOCATION TARGET"), "Version" (the value MUST BE "1.3")and "Locations", where the Locations field contains an array of locations.


FieldDescriptionCan be empty?Example or Possible Values
LocationPathName of the location. Sub-locations seperated by the pipe symbol "|"NOSample|Node
TargetWhat category of target is this (Either Application or Device)NODevice
TypeWhat sub-type of target is this (What type of Device, or Which Application)NOSee the list of valid target types
NameThe name of the location (This is a freeform text field)NOMain Lab
QA Lab
My Test Location
Instance NameThe name of the database instanceYESFor scanning database application targets
HostnameThe host name for hostname targetsYESvm-test.localdomain
StartIPThe Start IP Address - use this for Application targets, Single, Range and Subnet targetsYES10.0.0.1
EndIPThe End IP Address - use this for Range targets onlyYES10.0.0.99
SubnetMaskThe netmask - as a number not as a dotted quad - use for Subnet targets onlyYESUse "24" not ""
"0" can be used for an empty target
PortThe port on which to scan, for Application Targets onlyYESE.g. an SQL Server is usually on port 1433 but can be set to an arbitrary number.
ExclusionWhether this is a target exclusion. Use to exclude IP addresses from a larger listYESNOValid values are "True" or "False". Empty implies False

For a row where the value can be empty, you can either omit the row, or pass in an empty string ("")

The list of valid Device Target types is:


Code Block
titleJSON Datafile
			"Name":"Hostname Target 1",
			"Name":"Single IP Address",
			"Name":"Multiple IP Addresses",
			"Name":"Different network",

How to invoke the command


Call the RestAPI using cURL

Note: the encoded username and password pair in the CURL call corresponds to the login 'admin' and password 'password' which are the default iQSonar credentials you are forced to change on when you log in the first time.

Code Block
titleCall using cURL
curl --data "@file.json" \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -X 'POST' 'http://youriqsonarserver/api/v1/targets'

Call the RestAPI using PowershellPowerShell

Code Block
titleCreate Targets using PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod
$cred = Get-Credential
$body = Get-Content file.json
$url = 'http://youriqsonarserver/api/v1/targets'
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -ContentType 'application/json' -Credential $cred -Body $body -Uri $url

Worked Example using PowerShell

In the screenshot below, we add two targets (one hostname target and one IP Address target) to the location QALab | MikeTest. The host running iQSonar is on vm-mike-rc

Code Block
titleContents of target4.json
            "Name":"Hostname Target 1",
            "Name":"IP Address Target",
            "Name":"IP Address Target 2",

PowerShell screenshot:

Image Added

Resulting Targets in the Locations screen in iQSonar

Image Added

Error handling

If there is an error in your JSON data (for example a row that duplicates an existing target, or a syntaxt error) then rather than a result that shows "Completed" with an empty details column, you will get an error message in the Details column. PowerShell truncates this error message (see the screenshot below), but you can view the complete diagnostic error message in the back-end database

Image Added

Query to return the diagnostic message:

Code Block
titleRetrieve error code for request_id 4
SELECT TargetConfig, DataOut
  FROM [jobs].[t_TargetConfigRequest]
  WHERE TargetRequestID=4

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "iqsonar_v4" , "restapi" , "configuration" ) and type = "page" and space = "CSKB"
labelsRestAPI configuration iqsonar_v4
