Code Block |
language | sql |
theme | Midnight |
title | List the devices we cannot scan |
SELECT [ProjectID]
FROM [history].[v_DiagnosticsDeviceList]
WHERE Status = 'Unscanned'
-- == Change or comment out the ProjectID as required == --
AND ProjectID = 1
-- ===================================================== -- |
Warning |
The two queries below work for Scan Engine versions up to Fu R3, but do not work for Gwynn R1 |
List all connection attempts
It lists multiple entries for each device (one for each attempted connection to the target), showing which connections succeeded and which failed.
Code Block |
language | sql |
theme | Midnight |
title | List Found Devices (full details) |
,prd.Name [product_type]
,oc.Name [Outcome]
,pro.[Name] [Protocol]
FROM model.t_FoundDevice fd
INNER JOIN model.t_product prd ON fd.ProductId = prd.ProductID
LEFT OUTER JOIN model.v_FoundDeviceTCPPort fdP ON fd.FoundDeviceID = fdP.FoundDeviceID
LEFT OUTER JOIN model.v_ProjectFoundDeviceList fdL ON fd.foundDeviceID = fdL.foundDeviceID
FROM history.t_ArtifactHistory ah
ah.objectType = N'FoundDevice'
[hst] ON fd.FoundDeviceID = [hst].ObjectID
LEFT OUTER JOIN history.t_ConnectionHistory ch ON [hst].JobId = ch.JobId
LEFT OUTER JOIN config.t_Outcome oc ON ch.OutcomeID = oc.OutcomeID
LEFT OUTER JOIN config.t_Protocol pro ON ch.ProtocolId = pro.protocolId
-- ---- If required, put a ProjectID selection HERE ----
-- WHERE fdL.ProjectID = N
-- ----------------------------------------------- ----
,ch.AttemptDate |
List hosts where we could not log in
This omits any credential failure where a subsequent attempt on the same host succeeded.
Code Block |
language | sql |
theme | Midnight |
title | List of devices we could not scan with reason |
WITH unscanned AS (
FROM [history].[v_DiagnosticsDeviceList]
WHERE Status = 'Unscanned'
AND ProjectID = 1
SELECT jobProj.ProjectID
, p.Name AS Protocol
, o.Name AS Outcome
, ch.AttemptDate
, ch.IPAddress
, ch.Port
, c.label as Credential
FROM history.t_connectionhistory ch
INNER JOIN jobs.t_JobLocationProjectIPRange AS jobProj ON jobProj.JobID = ch.JobID
INNER JOIN config.t_Protocol p ON ch.ProtocolID = p.ProtocolID
INNER JOIN config.t_Outcome o ON o.OutcomeID = ch.OutcomeID
INNER JOIN config.t_Credential c ON c.CredentialID = CH.CredentialID
WHERE ch.OutcomeID = 3
AND ch.IPAddress IN (SELECT HostnameOrIP FROM unscanned)
-- === Change this line ==== --
AND jobProj.ProjectID = 1
-- ========================= --
ORDER BY AttemptDate DESC |