- Guest Customization Configuration:
- Computer Name – Select use the Virtual Machine Name.
- Network Type – DHCP
- Windows Guest Customization:
- Login Automatically as Administrator: 1
Run Once : Add the following in the Run once Command:
c:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy bypass -Command "Invoke-WebRequest
https://repo.skygrid.cloud/snapshot/6.5.2/LATEST/agents/hcp_agent_install_windows.ps1-OutFile c:\hcp_agent_install_windows.ps1"
c:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy bypass -Command "c:\hcp_agent_install_windows.ps1AUTO_INSERT <HyperCloud_Platform_PROD_FQDN>_https://<HyperCloud_Platform_PROD_FQDN> 5671 docker.skip
Important Note: Update the HyperCloud_Platform_PROD_FQDN to HyperCloud_Platform_QA_FQDN for customizing VMs deployed from other HyperCloud_Platform(s).
- VM Tools: Latest VMware Tools must be installed on the VM Template or Guest Customization will fail. Refer VMware Supported OS for Guest Customization for supported Guest OS.
VM Template Preparation (Pre-Install HyperCloud Agent) (Recommended): This topic describes preinstalling the agent on VM Templates so HyperCloud does not need to install the agent on VMs deployed from the VM Template.
Important Note: Use this only if the VMs deployed using HyperCloud do not have internet access.
Linux VM Templates (CentOS/Ubuntu/RHEL): Update the values for HCP_FQDN & run the following command on the Linux VM Template
/bin/yum -y install curlAnchor _Hlk520374141 _Hlk520374141 /usr/bin/apt-get update && /usr/bin/apt-get -y install curl; curl -Ls
https://repo.skygrid.cloud/repo/6.x/6.5.2/LATEST/agents/hcp_linux_agent.shbash -s
https://repo.skygrid.cloud/repo/LATESTAUTO_INSERT <HCP_FQDN>_https://<HCP_FQDN> 5671 docker.skip
Windows VM Templates: Update HCP_FQDN & run the following in CMD Prompt
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Invoke-WebRequest
https://repo.skygrid.cloud/repo/6.x/6.5.2/LATEST/agents/hcp_agent_install_windows.ps1-OutFile hcp_agent_install_windows.ps1 ; & .\hcp_agent_install_windows.ps1 https:// repo.skygrid.cloud/repo/LATEST AUTO_INSERT <HCP_FQDN>_https://<HCP_FQDN> 5671 docker.skip"
Important Note: For Hyper-V & KVM - Run the following before shutting down the VM Templatesysprep.exe /oobe /generalize /shutdown /mode:vm # /unattend: Use an unattend.xml if available