The Plugins framework relies on custom scripts that can be written in BASH, PowerShell, Puppet, Perl, Ruby or Python. These plugins can be invoked at different lifecycle stages to enable post deployment configuration, day 2 operations, software delivery, controlled and on-the-fly configuration changes, and application storage automation.
To view available Plugins navigate to Service Orchestration > Plugins.
Here you can:
Create a new plugin
Clone an existing plugin
Import plugins (must be in json format)
See the history and revert a plugin to a different version (requires Github provider)
Create a New Plugin
To create a new Plugin, navigate :
Login to your HCP account.
Navigate to Service Orchestration > Plugins.
Select the New dropdown menu and select the language required by the Virtual Machine(s) you will apply this Plugin to.
Plugins run native shell language within each GuestOS. The current supported languages are BASH, PowerShell, Perl, Python, Ruby & Puppet.
Using Plugins in Blueprints
Parameters supported when invoking a plugin via Blueprints:
id -- this is the ID of the plug-in. This can be retrieved from Manage from Manage > Plugins and then clicking Edit on Plugins and then clicking Edit on your plugin of choice.
restart -- this is a Boolean parameter. If set to trueto true, then the container is restarted after executing the plugin.
arguments -- you can override the arguments specified in the plugin here. The arguments can be overridden when creating the template, when deploying the application and post-provision.
lifecycle -- this is used for service discovery and determines when the plugin is run after deployment