The HyperCloud™ Platform provides the ability to (HCP) lets you create and execute script scripts on the VMs once provisioned successfully. Virtual Machines (VMs.) These scripts are call plugins & HyperCloud™ Platform support the following interpreterscalled Plugins on the HCP portal. The HCP portal supports these interpreters:
To run plugins, HyperCloud™ agent must be installed a Plugin on a VM, you’ll need to install the HCP agent. You can install the HCP agent on the VM provisioned via using a Blueprint or the Free-Form Wizard. HyperCloud™ plugin can be included in a blueprint which get executed automatically once the VM is successfully provisioned. With the use of blueprints and plugins, Virtual Machine templates can be preserved in form of YAML and reduce the need of creating custom images.
Note: Plugins are only available for VMs and are not applicable to other types of blueprints
Creating & Managing Plugins /Scripts
from wizard.
Out of all the Blueprint types, only VMs have Plugin support.