So, the PERL code to connect to the server and get the devices is as follows:
Code Block | ||
| ||
#!/bin/perl -w |
# Perl script to access JSON data from iQSonar REST API |
use LWP; # Module to get web page content |
use JSON::XS ; # Module to parse JSON |
my $iQSonar = 'vm-mike-2k12a.iqdomain.com:80'; # URL of the REST API for the iQSonar instance, for credentials |
my $realm = 'iQSonar RestAPI Realm'; |
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; # need to get a web page |
$browser -> credentials($iQSonar,$realm,'admin'=>'password'); |
my $url = 'http://vm-mike-2k12a.iqdomain.com/api/v1/devices'; |
my $DeviceList = $browser→get($url); |
die "Error: unable to get REST API results" |
unless $DeviceList->is_success; |
# The variable $DeviceList now contains the JSON output list of known devices |
my @ParsedDeviceList = @{decode_json( $DeviceList->content ) }; |
# Parse into a PERL Array of objects |
At this point in the script, we have a variable $DeviceList which contains the JSON output from the Rest API. We then use a function call “decode_json()” from the “JSON::XS” library to convert this text file into a PERL data structure.