- Name = IQSonar
- Net CLR Version = v2.0.50727
- Managed Pipeline mode = Classic
- Check the: Start Pool Immediately and click OK
- Highlight the IQSonar Application pool and select Advance settings from the menu on the right and set Enable 32-bit-applications
to True.
Step 2
Click on Add Script Map, for each: css, js, png, xml, rpt, sht
- Path = *.<extension> (This is case sensitive)
- Executable = %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
- Name: = <EXTENSION>
- Click on Request Restrictions
- Uncheck Invoke handler only if request is mapped to:
- Confirm Verbs = ALL
- Click on OK, then OK again, then confirm the addition of the handler by clicking Yes when prompted.
– Add the iQSonar Application to the Default Web Site
- Create a new application by right clicking on the Default Website and select 'Add Application'
- Alias = iQSonar
- Application Pool = iQSonar
- Physical Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\iQuate\iQSonar\Sonar
- Click on OK to complete the application additon.
- Exapand the IQSonar folder then right Click on the API subfolder and select "Convert to Application" - the application pool should be iQSonar - click on OK.
<add name="databaseConnection" connectionString="factory=System.Data.SqlClient;server=SERVER\INSTANCE;database=CMS_DB;uid=USER;pwd=PASSWORD;" />
- Re-Encrypt web.config
- Open Command Prompt as Administrator
- cd to .NET Framework directory - %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\
- Run aspnet_regiis -pe "connectionStrings" -app "/iQSonar"
Step 3 - Add Handler Mapping to the iQSonar Web Application
Select the iQSonar Web Application and click on Add Script Map, for each: css, js, png, xml, rpt, sht
- Path = *.<extension> (This is case sensitive)
- Executable = %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
- Name: = <EXTENSION>
- Click on Request Restrictions
- Uncheck Invoke handler only if request is mapped to:
- Confirm Verbs = ALL
- Click on OK, then OK again, then confirm the addition of the handler by clicking Yes when prompted.
4 - Change permissions
Change permissions C:\Program Files (x86)\iQuate\iQSonar\Sonar to allow caching to be created correctly.
Add the IIS_IUSRS local group to the Sonar Directory.