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When installing iQSonar 2.14.x on Windows 2012 the install will complete but report that IIS was not found on the system and was not configured even when IIS is installed properly..


  1. Right Click on the folder and click properties

  2.  Check security tab

  3. Press Edit

  4. Press Add

  5. Make sure the Location has the hostname of the VM and type the group

  6. Press ok and Make sure you give the group Full control


iQuate support has automated the above process and created a package that will allow you complete above steps in an automated fashion.



During the install iQSonar may not recognize that IIS is installed and will not configure the web based front end automatically.

This script will perform the following actions:

  - setup the iQSonar Application Pool in IIS

  - Add the iQSonar Web Application to IIS

  - set permissions on the Sonar folder to allow IIS to manage the cache files in the web application

  - set the File Handler mappings for IIS in the web.config file

  - setup the connection to the iQSonar CMS Database in the web.config file

  - encrypt the web.config file to obfuscate the credentials needed to access the iQSonar CMS Database.


A KB Article is also available detailing how to perform these steps manually.




Extract the web.txt file and the fixiis.bat file into C:\Program Files(x86)\iQuate


NOTE:  If your iQSonar installation is not in the default c:\Program Files(x86) modify the fixiis.bat file to reflect the proper drive and folder structure.


Edit Web.txt to add the location of your iQSonar CMS Database as configured during installation.

    Modify  the following line with details in clear text with the information for your environment:



     <add name="databaseConnection" connectionString="factory=System.Data.SqlClient;server=SERVER\INSTANCE;database=CMS_DB;uid=USER;pwd=PASSWORD;" />



Run fixiis.bat - you will be prompted to update the permissions, IIS and to encrypt the file.  Answer yes on each step to properly create the iQSonar web application.


After the file has run you can now open the iQSonar web application in Internet Explorer by going to http:\\localhost\iQSonar from the iQSonar server.



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V4 installation error message: missing table - t_Artifact missing error
