Let it run for about 5 minutes. You should see repeated entries for jobs.QueueStep2_SetJobStatus and
If you don't see this, it's likely the threads have fallen over and a service re-start may be required.jobs.Targets_Serve
Has Queue Processing Been Suspended?
Queue processing is suspended when the average resource usage over 5 minutes on the scanning server exceeds the levels configured in Administration > Scanning Servers. It will only resume when average resource usage has fallen below the configured limits for 5 minutes. To determine if a server is in breach of these limits execute the following query. The output results are SQL Statements to check the performance limits for each individual server. Copy and paste the results into SQL Management Studio and execute that. If the value in any of the Is<X>InBreach
columns is 1 then processing queue processing and job serving have been suspended. Also check for the following text in the logs: Queue processing is suspended.
Code Block |
select '/* Server: ' + s.HostName + ' */ exec [config].[Performance_Check] ''' + convert(nvarchar(50), InstallationID) + ''' -- Server: ' + s.Hostname
from config.t_Server s
What about the logs?
Search the Service logs for the text iQSonar Job Poll
. How much information you see here will depend on the level of logging (configuration for this not in scope here). Look for errors or warnings - but also look for messages similar to any of the following...