Code Block |
select '/* Server: ' + s.HostName + ' */ exec [config].[Performance_Check] ''' + convert(nvarchar(50), InstallationID) + ''' -- Server: ' + s.Hostname from config.t_Server s |
Anything in the logs?
Search the Service logs for the text iQSonar Job Poll
. How much information you see here will depend on the level of logging (configuration for this not in scope here). Look for errors or warnings - but also look for messages similar to any of the following...
- No queue capacity.
- Queue processing is suspended
- Polled N new targets
- No new targets available
- Failed to process target
- Job acquisition stopped
- iQSonar license has expired - scanning is suspended
- iQSonar Server not activated - scanning is suspended.
Is Anything Blocking the Queue?
Some builds (pre Brendan R3 RC2) have an issue where targets from non-running projects are allowed to remain in the Queued
state. These targets will never be picked up by job serving so they block the addition of new items to the queue.
Code Block |
declare @PROJ_STATE_RUNNING int = (select ProjectStateID from config.t_ProjectState where Name = 'Running')
declare @JOB_STATUS_QUEUED int = (select JobStatusID from jobs.t_JobStatus js where Constant = 'JOB_STATUS_QUEUED')
select *
from jobs.t_Queue q
inner join config.t_Project p on q.ProjectId = p.ProjectId
inner join config.t_ProjectState ps on p.ProjectStateID = ps.ProjectStateID
where JobStatusID = @JOB_STATUS_QUEUED
and p.ProjectStateID != @PROJ_STATE_RUNNING
To fix this, run:
Code Block |
declare @PROJ_STATE_RUNNING int = (select ProjectStateID from config.t_ProjectState where Name = 'Running')
declare @JOB_STATUS_QUEUED int = (select JobStatusID from jobs.t_JobStatus js where Constant = 'JOB_STATUS_QUEUED')
declare @JOB_STATUS_PROJECT_NOT_RUNNING int = (select JobStatusID from jobs.t_JobStatus js where Constant = 'JOB_STATUS_PROJECT_NOT_RUNNING')
update q
from jobs.t_Queue q
inner join config.t_Project p on q.ProjectId = p.ProjectId
inner join config.t_ProjectState ps on p.ProjectStateID = ps.ProjectStateID
where JobStatusID = @JOB_STATUS_QUEUED
and p.ProjectStateID != @PROJ_STATE_RUNNING |
There was also an issue where targets in the queue can not be linked back to Targets. The root cause is still under investigation. Th e following statement identifies queue items affected by this problem - again they block spaces in the queue as job serving will not pick them up.
Code Block |
declare @JOB_STATUS_QUEUED int = (select JobStatusID from jobs.t_JobStatus js where Constant = 'JOB_STATUS_QUEUED') select * from jobs.t_Queue q left join ( select p.projectID, ipar.StartIPAddressBinary, ipar.EndIPAddressBinary, ipar.Hostname, ipar.IPAddressRangeID from config.t_Project p inner join config.t__Project_Location pl ON p.ProjectID = pl.ProjectID inner join config.t_Location l ON pl.LocationID = l.LocationID inner join config.t_IPAddressRange ipar ON l.LocationID = ipar.LocationID where ipar.IsExclusion = 0 ) projectTargets on q.ProjectId = projectTargets.ProjectID AND ( ( q.IPAddressBinary BETWEEN projectTargets.StartIPAddressBinary AND EndIPAddressBinary ) OR ( q.IPAddressBinary = projectTargets.StartIPAddressBinary AND EndIPAddressBinary IS NULL) OR ( q.Hostname = projectTargets.Hostname ) OR ( q.IgnoreConfiguredIPs = 1 ) ) WHERE q.JobStatusID = @JOB_STATUS_QUEUED and projectTargets.IPAddressRangeID is null |