IQSonar installed. IIS Role installed and configured with features enabled per documentation. The following features must be enabled in IIS (from IQSonar Scan Prerequisites): ·
- .NET Extensibility
- ASAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
- Server-Side Includes
- Default Document
- directory Browsing
- HTTP Errors
- HTTP Redirection
- Static Content
- Request Filtering
- WindowsAuthentication
Tip – add the IIS Role and .NET runtime before running any Windows updates for easy install. For issues installing .NET see Installing DotNet 3 on Windows 8 /Server 2012
- Create a new application by right clicking on the Default Website and select 'Add Application'
- Alias = iQSonar
- Application Pool = iQSonar
- Physical Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\iQuate\iQSonar\Sonar
- Right Click on the API subfolder and select "Convert to Application"
Edit Web.config to add the database location and credentials
- Edit C:\Program Files (x86)\iQuate\iQSonar\Sonar\web.config
- Modify connectionString with details in clear text:
{code:xml} <connectionStrings> <add name
<add name="databaseConnection" connectionString="factory=System.Data.SqlClient;server=SERVER\INSTANCE;database=CMS_DB;uid=USER;pwd=PASSWORD;" /> <
- Re-Encrypt web.config
- 1) Open Command Prompt as Administrator
- 2) cd to .NET Framework directory 3) aspnet- %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\
- Run aspnet_regiis -pe "connectionStrings" -app "/iQSonar"
Step 5 - Change permissions
Change permissions C:\Program Files (x86)\iQuate\iQSonar\Sonar to allow caching to be created correctly.
Add the IIS_IUSRS local group to the Sonar Directory.
- Right Click on the folder and click properties
- Check security tab
- Press Edit
- Press Add
- Make sure the Location has the hostname of the VM and type the group
- Press ok and Make sure you give the group Full control
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