To configure HyperCloud Portal with LDAP Authentication ensure the following:
- Dedicated read-only domain account for LDAP Bind for e.g. CN=svc_hcpldap,CN=Users,DC=Domain,DC=com Important Note: This account must not be a member of the domain admins group. Obtain the Distinguished Name of this LDAP Bind account.
- The Base DN must include
- Container The container where LDAP Bind account is located
- Additional OUs where end users are located.
- All LDAP Users must have email configured in their account i.e. AD attribute: mail
- Secure LDAP Connection requires ROOT and Intermediate Certificates for the AD Domain.
Important Note: Contact HyperGrid Support to import LDAP Certificate for LDAPS based connections. HyperGrid Support will import Certificates into HyperCloud SaaS-based Deployments.